What do you get when you bring together the brightest minds and place them into an exciting, fast-paced environment that fosters intellectual growth and rewards based on impact? You get Intellectual Concepts.

Intellectual Concepts (IC) bridges the gap between technology and people, a vital ingredient for ensuring successful transit systems. IC provides a range of services focused on improving rail operations, including: rail vehicle consulting, information technology, operations support and training, and business process re-engineering. Our Mobility consultants will review and analyze your documentation related to the design and implementation of Fare Collection, CAD/AVL and store maintenance and logistics as it relates to aspects related to equipment installed on vehicles, wayside devices and centralized as well as distributed computer systems.

IC has grown steadily in size and capability since its founding in 2004, and today employs more than 35 professionals in our regional offices. IC has attracted to its staff a full complement of highly experienced, talented, and dedicated professionals who bring a collaborative, integrated team approach to our clients’ projects. IC’s Mobile experience includes work on rail, airports, ports, freeways, bridges, and roadways. Our client list includes federal agencies, state agencies, regional agencies, and private clients. IC has broad experience and expertise in engineering design, project management, and project controls services. Our culture is rooted in the ideals of integrity, safety, diversity, and ethical business practices, which is a commitment shared by all IC employees throughout our offices and project sites around the country. We have a positive impact on the communities we serve by not only improving infrastructure but also providing service at a relatively low cost to the taxpayer. This allows for more money to be available to the agencies we serve, that inevitably will be reinvested in the community. At IC, we value the individual employee and the importance of their contributions toward quality improvement.

Featured Projects


SeaPort-E is the Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management.


Intellectual Concepts (IC) has an established Quality Management Program (QMP) to tasks in accordance with International Standard ISO 9001:2008. The QMP is the means of continuously identifying, analyzing, and implementing process improvements to all activities and for ensuring that our services conform to customer and company requirements. Read More>

Agency Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA)
Project Title Mobile Ticketing System (MTS)
Project Management support services that include the following:

IC is providing project management support for installation of MTS system for contract phases that include MARTA Rail, MARTA fixed route bus service, MARTA Paratransit Vehicles and Reduce Fare implementation on all rider classes, and regional implementation. In this role, IC is providing:

1.  Change Management Implementation –coordinating change management procedures from Install Teams to Core Project Team

2.  Key Contributor at all Stakeholder levels – reports and meeting, installation schedule and status coordination, risk communication and resolution implementation

3.  Subcontractor support coordination – resource management support; oversight subcontractor’s task execution; and development of schedule for assigned subcontractors.

4.  Equipment / Inventory Management – coordination of supply ordering, reporting of shipping status to support stakeholders updates, and facilitate inventory staging to support testing and installation schedule

5.  Stakeholder reporting and coordination

6.  Project management documentation

Agency Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA)
Project Title Train Control and SCADA Upgrade (TCSU) Business Process Improvement
Services Include:

•Business Process Review and Organizational Change Management

for the rolling stock, train control and SCADA $120M upgrade.

•Communication and Internal Operations Outreach

•Observations of MoW, rolling stock, yard, and control center operations.

•Workforce skill-set analysis and redefined frontline, administrative,

and managerial job functions

•Documentation of current baseline performance metrics

•Optimization of current business processes and actionable

recommendations for people and process changes to impacted


•Configuration Management of Rail Vehicle Stock

We are excited to learn how we can help!